
Horse Physical Therapy Equipment

The primary goal of horse physical therapy is to improve the overall health of the horse and to help them recover from injuries or conditions that affect its mobility and quality of life. It can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, such as muscle strains, tendon and ligament injuries, arthritis, and neurological disorders. At Still Water Farm, our horse treadmill, EuroXciser horse exerciser, and heated equine pool help are available on-site.

A horse undergoing exercise therapy at Still Water Farm

EuroXciser Horse Exerciser

The EuroXciser horse exerciser at Still Water Farm is an efficient way to exercise your horse’s muscles without putting excessive strain on the joints. The horse is able to move freely and naturally, which promotes healing and prevents further injury. It can be adjusted to suit the individual needs of each horse, allowing for a customized workout that targets specific muscle groups. This makes it an excellent tool for rehabilitating horses after an injury or surgery. Rain or shine, the EuroXciser is a reliable and consistent option for year-round therapy.

Hydrotherapy Pool

Our heated hydrotherapy pool is an excellent tool for physical therapy, offering numerous benefits. The warm water provides a low-impact environment for the horse to exercise, which is particularly beneficial for horses recovering from an injury or surgery. The water’s buoyancy also helps support the horse’s weight, allowing for a greater range of motion without causing stress on the joints.

Increasing blood flow to the horse’s muscles with warm water promotes relaxation and reduces inflammation. This can help to alleviate pain and stiffness, making it an excellent option for horses with chronic conditions such as arthritis. Even healthy horses can benefit from Still Water’s hydrotherapy pool. Utilizing it to improve cardiovascular fitness and overall strength makes our pool an excellent tool for performance horses as well.

Still Water Farm’s horse physical therapy equipment can be a highly effective way to improve the health and well-being of your horse. Call us today to schedule a tour.